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The Roles of Online Counsellors In Handling Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder is one among many mental disorders where a person suffering from it having an unpleasant state of inner turmoil together with some nervous behavior such as pacing back and forth as well as a fast heart rate. Online counsellors are becoming more popular globally due to this condition. A person suffering from anxiety disorder can also experience fear having a feeling of perceived danger or threat causing some changes in metabolic and organ function as well as ultimate change of behavior. An individual may suffer from anxiety disorder due to a number of reasons including drugs and substance use, medical conditions such as endocrine disease which leads to hyperactivity of the nervous system and life stresses. There are other causes of anxiety disorder which include genetics where there is a family history of mental disorder and other risk factors in an individual’s environment such as child abuse, poverty as well as persistence of anxiety. Diagnosing an individual with anxiety disorder requires at least six months of observation of certain symptoms related to anxiety disorder such as headache, sweating, hypertension and muscle spasms among others. An online counselor flexibly gives his or her service to the convenience of their patient.

There are a number of anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder as well as selective mutism. Long-lasting anxiety which is not focused on any object or situation with an individual experiencing persistent fear and worry with great concern on everyday matter is observed in individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. Specific phobia is an anxiety disorder where fear and anxiety is always triggered by an encounter with a specific situation or stimulus which can range from animals or some fluids. Stress, fear and also exercises may lead to panic disorder which makes an individual have abrupt fear and discomfort which can occur in just a few minutes and may last for hours and a person shows symptoms such as trembling, shaking, confusion, nausea and difficulty in breathing. Social anxiety disorder is where an individual is always worried in places where there are gatherings fearing negative public scrutiny, embarrassment, humiliation as well as the normal social interaction. Separation disorder occurs in situations where a person fears from being separated from certain people or places. Selective mutism is similar to social anxiety disorder where an individual is unable to speak in certain locations as well as to specific people.

Lifestyle and behavior change, therapy and medication are some of the treatment methods for anxiety disorder. Changing ones behavior and lifestyle includes stopping drug and substance use, regularizing sleep,exercising and having regular visits to a counselor. Anxiety disorder can also be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy that is guided by a trained online counselor which enables one to develop personal coping strategies and improves cognition, behaviors and emotional regulation. Online counsellors who offer free or charged therapy services are also important in helping individuals suffering from anxiety therapy. It is also important to follow the directives of the counselors so as to manage anxiety disorder.